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Showing posts from 2016

Divine DNA Necklaces for Activity Days

I've had this idea floating around in my head for Activity Days for a long time and I finally got around to doing it this week! For those who don't know, Activity Days is the name of the young girl's youth group at my church including ages 8-11, my group includes 8-9 year olds. Part 1 will talk about the spiritual thought/introduction to the activity, Part 2 will talk about instructions for extracting DNA from cheek cells and putting them in necklace pendants and Part 3 is what I would do differently next time. My DNA in a necklace. Part 1 We started with prayer and then I asked the girls if anyone knew what DNA was. We got a couple answers that were pretty close to what I was going for. I then gave a *very* basic outline of what DNA is; the bullet points I hit on were: *DNA is at the center of every cell in the body & is like an instruction book or blueprint about how our body develops and forms. *We get traits from our biological parents/grandparents/etc.....

Why "Too Tired"?

I claimed the name "Too Tired Mama" for my blog because at the time I was feeling too tired to do much of anything. Since then, I've been diagnosed with Lupus, among other things, which explains much of my fatigue and other issues. Modern medicine is amazing and treatment seems to be helping most of the time. In spite of my chronic & debilitating fatigue I always have a million ideas for projects floating around in my head that I'm simply too tired to do - most of the time. I'd like for this blog to be about the projects that I am able to get to between bouts of "Too Tired" (when I can remember, hahaha!) and whatever other topics on life & random subjects I feel inclined to write about. I won't promise consistent posts, but I will post when I can and I'll try to not be *too* boring.  ;)

My thumb is greener than it used to be!

I've been working on a garden daily & it has forced me to be outside & moving every day. I was worried about killing plants like I have in the past, but it's done pretty well this time. I also planted a Cafe Ole rose plant in front of my house that just opened its first bloom. The growing green makes me so happy, I want to share it! Enjoy the pictures : First bloom! And I squished the aphids after I noticed them in the picture.  I'm loving all the baby succulents growing where leaves fell or were pulled off! So many marzano tomatoes! I'm looking forward to saucing and canning them!  Grape vine with the arbor I made myself!  Green beans on the back. Carrots that were mostly pulled up by birds in the middle that I just replanted today. Green onions in the front. Then a couple varieties of bell peppers and my huge tomato plants to the right.  Pumpkin sprouts! I'm really excited about these. They are a variety called "tripl...

Make your own hair extensions!

A few months ago I cut my hair down to a long pixie which I loved, but my husband didn't like. He missed my long hair so I started looking at how much extensions would cost as an anniversary surprise. They were pretty expensive and I wasn't sure how well they would match my hair in person. Then I remembered I had a 16" braid of *my own* hair from 4 years ago sitting in a drawer and started searching how much it would cost to have someone make them into extensions for me. I couldn't actually find much info on that, but I found this awesome video that gave me the hairbrained idea to try making them myself: I did it pretty much exactly how the video said. My sewing machine's stitch length settings are a little different from hers so instead of a .5 stitch length I set mine to 20(it is usually 10 for general sewing). also, it's important to note that if you are using your own hair or an unprocessed ponytail, there will be some shorter fuzzy pieces ...