I've had this idea floating around in my head for Activity Days for a long time and I finally got around to doing it this week! For those who don't know, Activity Days is the name of the young girl's youth group at my church including ages 8-11, my group includes 8-9 year olds. Part 1 will talk about the spiritual thought/introduction to the activity, Part 2 will talk about instructions for extracting DNA from cheek cells and putting them in necklace pendants and Part 3 is what I would do differently next time. My DNA in a necklace. Part 1 We started with prayer and then I asked the girls if anyone knew what DNA was. We got a couple answers that were pretty close to what I was going for. I then gave a *very* basic outline of what DNA is; the bullet points I hit on were: *DNA is at the center of every cell in the body & is like an instruction book or blueprint about how our body develops and forms. *We get traits from our biological parents/grandparents/etc.....