The name of my blog is "Too Tired Mama". This is because I'm a mom who wants to do it all -home improvement projects, pin worthy crafts and activities- but I struggle with a couple chronic illnesses so that isn't always possible. My goal with this blog is to share when I'm successful in going forward with my DIY projects, and some of what happens in between my productive spurts. Today I'm going to focus on one specific illness since May is its awareness month. Ehlers-danlos syndrome is a genetic connective tissue disorder. I handle my illnesses with a sarcastic sense of humor so you will be getting some funny memes along with some educational tidbits as I explain what EDS is and what it means for me. One of the major criteria for EDS diagnosis is hypermobile joints. That means my joints can stretch further than average or I'm "double jointed". This also means that things "pop out" of place frequently. Almost every time I stretch ...